Sunday, August 12, 2007

WR completes a task!

Date: 11/08/07
Flight Stats: 117km @ 73.56km/hr; 3.0kt avg climb and 38% climbing; 28.7:1 L/D for 10.6km cruises @ 67kts..

I knew it had to happen sometime, but on Saturday the 11th a small task was set after a late start. DDSC - Brookstead - Cecil City - DDSC = 117km FAI Triangle. To spoil the ending, I MADE MY FIRST LANDING BACK @ DDSC IN WR!!!

The weather was dry, cool and windy, like every weekend in the past 3 months. I took the smoothest, easiest climb all day to base right off tow. Jo, Richard and Bob were working their way up, but I looked at my watch and said to myself - sorry to be unsociable, but I've got to start straight away!

20km down the first leg, I hear them start. I felt like I had a horrible run, stopping very regulary, however picking some reasonable climbs. The best climbs of the day felt, ANGRY. If it wasn't chucking you around aggressively, then it wasn't the climb to be in. After making the 1st turn, I soon realised that I was holding my own against the others.

This quietly put me in a good frame of mind, the pressure was off, and I was working a safe height band. I did however get down to 800', but picked off the riverline and managed to get away in a 2kt climb. I wasn't listening to too much of what they had to say, as I myself was talking BS on the radio. Sorry guys...

I had a textbook climb low over the 2nd TP, which drifted me directly back towards the finish. I left it rather quickly though, as I feel like I'm starting to get my confidence back (as well as getting to know the glider better). Sure enough, picked up a nice final climb to get me on glide - for my first finish from a task in WR!

I wont talk about my competition finish, as I'm sure it'll attract a lot of attention. But in a word, I would have to describe it as 'EPIC'!!!

George Lee came for a competition preparation talk at DDSC, so all in all, a great Saturdays soaring..

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